Contact Concerts in the West
General contact and taking part in Concerts in the West
I am often approached by musicians interested in taking part in the Concerts in the West series.
We get so many requests that it is difficult to respond to every email (we do try) but thank you for your interest. I am sorry if this appears rude but we are a very small team. If you don’t hear from me then I am afraid there are no dates available for the foreseeable future.
Applications will be considered carefully but as we only have eight to ten tours a year I can make no promises. You will need to email me a CV, a concert biography and a photograph. Our performers have generally been trained to a minimum of post-graduate conservatoire level and are in the process of establishing themselves in the profession and are therefore usually within the age range of 20 to 35. A little warning: we are not able to pay big fees as we play in small, intimate venues; we are a charity; and out of London, where life is very different.
The concerts can be a useful way of establishing new repertoire and having a working holiday in beautiful surroundings. If you are still interested get in touch!
Catherine Maddocks
8 Morgans Rise – Bishops Hull – Taunton – Somerset – TA1 5HW
01823 252658 / TEXT 07776 995789
Contact details for general information about the series – please see above or fill in the Contact form below.
We would like to thank all those who have helped put on these concerts during the eighteen seasons so far.
We have removed the Mailchimp link from this website so if you would like to be added to our enews list please email me on concertsinthewest@gmail.com

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and Concerts in the West
In order that we can continue to communicate with you about concerts we need to know that you are happy for us to do so. We would be grateful if you could read our letter and Policy document.
Details are in this LETTER . Please click on POLICY for more information about how we use and look after your data. If you are not able to access these documents please let me know and I will email them to you.
To return to the Home page click on the logo at the top of the page.
Photos by Tris Pinkney at Ilminster Arts Centre, September 2013:
Aquinas Piano Trio
Martin Cousin, piano
Ruth Rogers, violin
Katherine Jenkinson, cello
Contact Form