Carmenco – Andrews – Massey – Correa

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 1 - 20 AUGUST 2020 6PM (18.00) UK CARMENCO EMILY ANDREWS flute/voice DAVID MASSEY guitar FRANCISCO CORREA guitar For biographies please go to Sadly CarmenCo's tour had to be cancelled this July. We hope that they will come down in 2021. In the meantime they launch our Online Series this Summer. GEORGES ... Read more

Solem Quartet

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 2 - 24 AUGUST 2020 6PM (18.00) UK SOLEM QUARTET WILLIAM NEWELL violin AMY TRESS violin STEPHEN UPSHAW viola STEPHANIE TRESS cello For biographies please go to We are delighted that the Solem Quartet can join us online this summer. We are planning a tour for 2021/22. STEPHANIE TRESS - Traditional arrangement - ... Read more

Mariela Shaker & Riyad Nicolas

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 3 - 27 AUGUST 2020 6PM (18.00) UK MARIELA SHAKER violin RIYAD NICOLAS piano For their biographies please go to their websites Riyad Nicolas was due to come in 2021 and we hope that it will still be possible. We are delighted to welcome Riyad and his wife, Mariela Shaker, to ... Read more

Scobie – Vioque-Judde – Rey-Bellet – Fournel

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 4 - 3 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK COLIN SCOBIE violin MANUEL VIOQUE-JUDDE viola ZÉPHYRIN REY-BELLET cello JONATHAN FOURNEL piano Please visit their websites for their biographies We are planning a tour in 2021/22 for Colin Scobie, Manuel Vioque-Judde and Zéphyrin Rey-Bellet. In the meantime we are delighted to ... Read more

Savitri Grier & Olivier Robin

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 5 - 7 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK SAVITRI GRIER violin OLIVIER ROBIN violin Please visit their websites for their biographies. Olivier Robin biography Savitri Grier and Richard Uttley's tour was cancelled this season due to COVID19. However we hope that they will join us in 2021/22. We are delighted that Savitri ... Read more

Linos Piano Trio

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 6 - 10 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK PRACH BOONDISKULCHOK piano KONRAD ELIAS TROSTMANN violin VLADIMIR WALTHAM cello Please visit their website for their biographies Due to the current restrictions we had to cancel the tour by the Linos Piano Trio in November this year. However we hope that they will be ... Read more

Askew Sisters

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 7 - 14 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK EMILY & HAZEL - THE ASKEW SISTERS voice and multi-instrumentalists Please go to their website to view their biographies The Artisans and the Askew Ensemble delighted audiences a few years ago. Now Emily and Hazel have managed to get together to record some songs ... Read more

Consone Quartet

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 8 - 17 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK CONSONE QUARTET AGATA DARASKAITE violin MAGDALENA LOTH-HILL violin ELITSA BOGDANOVA viola GEORGE ROSS cello Please go to their website to view their biographies I am sure many of our audience will remember the Consone Quartet. I am delighted that they are able to join ... Read more

Katherine Dain & Sam Armstrong

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 9 - 21 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK KATHARINE DAIN soprano SAM ARMSTRONG piano Please go to their websites to view their biographies. Sam Armstrong was due to play for us in April 2020 but we had to cancel the tour. It was at this moment that work musicians had planned ... Read more

Emma Halnan & Eblana String Trio

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 10 - 24 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK EMMA HALNAN flute EBLANA STRING TRIO JONATHAN MARTINDALE violin LUCY NOLAN viola PEGGY NOLAN cello Please visit their websites to view their biographies. Sadly we had to cancel the tour by Emma Halnan and the Eblana String Trio in September this year. We ... Read more

Pelleas Ensemble

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 11 - 28 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK PELLÉAS ENSEMBLE HENRY ROBERTS flute LUBA TUNNICLIFFE viola OLIVER WASS harp Please go to their website to view their biographies. Henry, Luba and Oliver have all played for Concerts in the West before but never the three together. We are planning a tour for ... Read more

Jubilee Quartet

ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 12 - 1 OCTOBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK JUBILEE QUARTET TEREZA PRIVRATSKA violin JULIA LOUCKS violin LORENA CANTÓ WOLTÈCHE viola TOBY WHITE cello Please visit their website for their biographies. The Jubilee Quartet gave wonderful performances during their tour in 2018. We hope to organise their return in 2021/22. We are delighted ... Read more