Ferio Saxophone Quartet


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 18 – 22 OCTOBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK FERIO SAXOPHONE QUARTET HUW WIGGIN soprano ELLIE MCMURRAY alto ANTHONY BROWN tenor KATIE SAMWAYS baritone Please visit their website for their biographies. www.feriosax.co.uk The Ferios delighted audiences in 2018 and should have been with us this June. We are planning for their return in 2021/22. … Read more

Humphreys – Berridge – Grimwood


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 17 – 19 OCTOBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK FENELLA HUMPHREYS violin CARA BERRIDGE cello DANIEL GRIMWOOD piano Please visit their websites for their biographies. www.fenellahumphreys.com www.caraberridge.com www.danielgrimwood.eu Fenella Humphreys has performed for us on a number of occasions and we are delighted that she is joined for the Online concert by Cara Berridge … Read more

Burrell – Kibble – Gerrard


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 16 – 15 OCTOBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK NAOMI BURRELL violin GAVIN KIBBLE viola da gamba DAVID GERRARD harpsichord Please visit their websites for their biographies. www.facebook.com/gavin.kibble www.naomiburrell.com Gavin Kibble has performed for Concerts in the West in 2012 and 2013. We are delighted to welcome him back Online this summer with Naomi Burrell … Read more

Alasdair Beatson


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 15 – 12 OCTOBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK ALASDAIR BEATSON piano Please visit Alasdair’s website for his biography. www.alasdairbeatson.com Alasdair Beatson is well known to Concerts in the West audiences as he is a Patron and has performed on a number of occasions over the years. He has been busy in Europe this summer but … Read more

Stephen Upshaw


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 14 – 8 OCTOBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK STEPHEN UPSHAW viola Please go to Stephen’s website for his biography. www.stephenupshaw.com Stephen played for us in 2014 with Tamsin Waley-Cohen and John Reid. You will hear him twice during this Online Series – once with the Solem Quartet and here on his own showing … Read more

Trio Klein


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 13 – 5 OCTOBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK TRIO KLEIN YUKI NEGISHI piano KAMILA BYDLOWSKA violin SHIRY RASHKOVSKY viola RICCARDO PES cello Please visit their websites for their biographies. www.trioklein.com www.riccardopes.com/ www.shiryrashkovsky.com/ www.kamilabydlowska.com/ https://www.yukinegishi.com/ Trio Klein were due to be with us in May this year and we are reorganising their return in … Read more

Jubilee Quartet


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 12 – 1 OCTOBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK JUBILEE QUARTET TEREZA PRIVRATSKA violin JULIA LOUCKS violin LORENA CANTÓ WOLTÈCHE viola TOBY WHITE cello Please visit their website for their biographies. www.jubileequartet.co.uk The Jubilee Quartet gave wonderful performances during their tour in 2018. We hope to organise their return in 2021/22. We are delighted … Read more

Pelleas Ensemble


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 11 – 28 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK PELLÉAS ENSEMBLE HENRY ROBERTS flute LUBA TUNNICLIFFE viola OLIVER WASS harp Please go to their website to view their biographies. www.pelleasensemble.co.uk Henry, Luba and Oliver have all played for Concerts in the West before but never the three together. We are planning a tour for … Read more

Emma Halnan & Eblana String Trio


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 10 – 24 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK EMMA HALNAN flute EBLANA STRING TRIO JONATHAN MARTINDALE violin LUCY NOLAN viola PEGGY NOLAN cello Please visit their websites to view their biographies. www.emmahalnan.co.uk www.eblanastringtrio.com Sadly we had to cancel the tour by Emma Halnan and the Eblana String Trio in September this year. We … Read more

Katherine Dain & Sam Armstrong


ONLINE SERIES CONCERT 9 – 21 SEPTEMBER 2020 6.15PM (18.15) UK KATHARINE DAIN soprano SAM ARMSTRONG piano Please go to their websites to view their biographies. www.katharinedain.com www.samarmstrongpianist.com Sam Armstrong was due to play for us in April 2020 but we had to cancel the tour. It was at this moment that work musicians had planned … Read more